Reviewing another year in the pandemic and what this holds for 2022

March 15, 2022


3:00pm - 4:00pm



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Hot off the press – a first view of key pharma metrics throughout 2021, two years turned upside-down by the pandemic.

During this webinar we will:

  • Examine recent launches, where most countries are lagging against historical levels
  • Look at how injectables have been instrumental in adding flexibility for prescribers
  • Investigate areas of high growth over the horizon such as in CNS indications
  • Look at how physicians will expect future engagement using MIDAS Prescriptions (NPA)
  • Give a deeper insight into Oncology, Immunology and Respiratory therapy areas using MIDAS Sales by Disease (SBD)

On top of these areas, you can expect our regular update of sales and volume trends at a global level.



Aurelio Arias
Engagement Manager, European Thought Leadership IQVIA

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