White Paper
Innovative Funding Models for Treatment of Rare Diseases
A global study of new financing solutions for rare diseases
Dec 16, 2021

Healthcare funding for rare diseases is a significant unmet need globally, due to the patient population being an inherently small and dispersed population, and often a lower priority for governments. However, there are initiatives specifically for addressing the funding gap for rare diseases, and this report provides a global review of 40 countries, from Africa, Asia Pacific (APAC), Europe, Latin America (LATAM), North America and the Middle East of the new and innovative healthcare financing solutions available.

Unlike more prevalent non-communicable diseases (e.g. cancers), only ~20% of identified funding programs can be considered innovative for rare disease. This leaves a significant opportunity for innovation in rare disease funding programs to unlock new sources of funds to improve access. In addition, there is an opportunity for multi-stakeholder engagements in the future where funding programs could be co-created among the different parties interested in strengthening patient access to RD.

Download this white paper, produced by IQVIA and Roche, or visit our dedicated Innovative Funding Trends and Models Thought Leadership page to learn more.

To read the Low and Middle Income Countries (LMICs) specific landscape report on innovative funding solutions for rare disease, click here.

This paper is also available in Spanish.

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