
Patient-centric, outcomes-focused.

Difficulty starting or maintaining treatment can compromise the benefits of new therapies. Supporting patients at critical inflection points can help them stay on track and potentially achieve better outcomes.

Predict issues, maximize benefits

As patients go through various stages of the treatment journey, their needs for support change. Now, with advanced analytics and machine learning, IQVIA can help you predict issues before they occur and to design and roll out programs that have a better chance of keeping patients engaged with treatment.

The best patient support programs combine human interaction with technology.
John Procter, VP Patient Engagement & Medical Affairs, IQVIA

Meet patients where they are

To be effective, strategies for supporting adherence must evolve as patients progress through their treatment journey.

  • At diagnosis of a chronic disease, patients often report being in shock. Simpler and more frequent communications focused on immediate next steps may be most effective.
  • During treatment, web sites and social forums and the support of friends and family can be key information sources. Tips suggested by a healthcare provider based on others’ experience of treatment can drive information credibility and feel personally supportive and empathetic.
  • In maintenance and aftercare, uptake of support is typically greatest. Patients are often receptive to targeted information and provider support around specific coping strategies, support services and treatment options.

IQVIA’s adherence solutions help you support patients throughout each of these stages. We use machine learning to detect when patients begin dropping therapy. And we interpret the data so you can drill down into details, and implement targeted programs that improve outcomes for specific patient profiles.

A difference you can measure

Systematic support can produce a meaningful improvement in patient adherence, and can spark a self-sustaining cycle of improvements for all stakeholders

  • Earn HCP support by demonstrating how the program complements their work and benefits patients
  • Support continuous HCP professional development for enhanced care and patient outcomes
  • Increase patient understanding of treatment and outcomes to motivate lasting behavior-change
  • Demonstrate impact for payers including health system benefits, such as reduced hospitalizations
Personalized communications extend and amplify a nurse-led patient program.
Helga Williams, Senior Nurse Advisor, IQVIA

Recognizing the role of nurses

IQVIA's adherence service are delivered by nurses who recognize the importance of delivering the whole range of support as part of a comprehensive adherence program.

In a survey by the New England Journal of Medicine, 59% of respondents said that increasing face-to-face time with patients was the best patient engagement strategy, followed by shared decision making initiatives, which were highlighted by 54 % of respondents.

Demonstrated Impact with Merck Serono's MySupport Program

The MySupport program initiated by Merck Serono has generated a measurable impact on health system outcomes in multiple sclerosis (MS). The program provides support to patients with MS who have been prescribed subcutaneous interferon beta-1a (sc IFNβ-1a) therapy in the UK and Republic of Ireland via telephone and text messaging, website access, and face-to-face support from a dedicated MySupport Nurse. Patients receiving both National Health Service (NHS) treatment and MySupport were more likely to remain on treatment at 12 and 24 months than those solely receiving NHS support.

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