White Paper
Making Best Bets: Prioritizing Expenditure for Maximizing Impact on Patient Communities
Apr 07, 2023

Balancing the competing priorities of investing in research, services, fundraising, and running an effective organization has long been a challenge for patient organizations. In the COVID-19 era, when incomes have been hit while need for support and services has never been higher, we discuss how patient organization leaders are finding the balance and investing where they can have maximum impact for patient communities, now and in the future. With a particular focus on medical research funding, we also explored how these leaders are prioritizing investment of precious resources in a way that is informed both by the research landscape and patient views.

This paper is informed by a session at the 2022 IQVIA Patient Advocacy Summit which brought together leaders from medical research foundations, networks of research charities, patient foundations and organizations, and IQVIA experts to discuss approaches to prioritizing resource use for maximum impact.

Download this whitepaper to learn more.



Jennifer Farmer, CEO, Friedreich’s Ataxia Research Alliance (FARA) (USA)

Nicola Perrin, CEO, Association of Medical Research Charities (AMRC) (UK)

Cynthia Rice, Chief Mission Strategy Officer, The Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) (USA)

Kristin Schneeman, Senior Director, FasterCures, Milken Institute (USA)

Sarah Johnson, Head of Patient Advocacy, EMEA, IQVIA

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