White Paper
Patient-Defined Recruitment: The Movement Advanced by the Pandemic
The pandemic forced the pharmaceutical industry to reimagine how we recruit patients to clinical trials – and it's delivering significant benefits to sponsors who embrace these changes.
Feb 17, 2023

The growing role of patient voice in clinical trial planning, combined with the need to virtualize parts of former "traditional" trials, forced study teams to engage quite differently with patient populations during the early months of the COVID pandemic. Suddenly referrals from healthcare providers (HCPs) had stopped and in-person visits were replaced with computer-mediated encounters. As such, trial planners found themselves hurrying to re-engineer trial components and devise recruitment strategies that were focused on the patient, directly.

This white paper explores those learnings and offers best practices for sponsors and sites who want to make the most of the new recruiting environment and the growing consumer interest in clinical research participation. The challenge – and opportunity – today is how to keep that same intensity and focus, despite our society looking a bit more like pre-pandemic days.

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