IQVIA Supply Chain Manager

IQVIA Supply Chain Manager (SCM)

Understand routes of supply to better manage stock, respond to market dynamics and stay ahead of the competition

Supply Chain Manager (SCM) solutions allow you to understand the flow of pharmaceutical products from manufacturer through wholesaler to outlet location. Covering both primary and secondary care it gives a complete picture of the total UK pharmaceutical market. With daily, weekly and monthly feeds from UK suppliers you are able to respond to market dynamics in real time.

Stay ahead of competition, monitor routes of supply and manage stock to ensure patients always have access to your products.

Why use IQVIA Supply Chain Manager?

Supply Chain Manager allows users to:

Monitor new product performance
It provides a unique view of new product uptake at a brick and outlet level
Analyse impact of trade promotion on sales
This is used to see how targeted pharmacies and dispensing doctors
Identify areas of influence and distribution gaps
Trends can be seen for your products for any defined markets due to the 24 months of data included
Monitor levels of parallel import

Manage stock, respond to market dynamics and stay ahead of the competition.

Track sales 27,000 outlets

Supply Chain Manager tracks sales in to over 27,000 outlets

Capturing data of over 10,000 products

Supply Chain Manager reports data for over 10,000 products

What is Supply Chain Manager?

  • It covers the primary and secondary care market for own and competitor brands
  • It reflects purchases across the supply chain measuring the flow of pharmaceutical products from wholesaler to outlet location
  • It is available at a national and sub-national level
  • It offers an extra granularity on customers own product, pack and molecule data in the UK
  • It includes purchases by: retail pharmacies, dispensing doctors, drug stores (without pharmacies), hospitals, industrial medical centres, inter-wholesaler distribution (transfers) and parallel import packs
The next generation of medicines supply chain intelligence makes IQVIA Supply Chain Manager faster, more powerful and equipped with more granular information, to boost overall performance.

Product Comparison Table

IQVIA Supply Chain Manager Fact Sheet

  • Parallel Import (PI) Tracker – national supply chain manager data for understanding parallel imports (PI) trends across all UK outlet types for own and competitor products
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