Navigate the Evolving Landscape of Local Pharmacovigilance and Medical Information with Expert Support
Alisa Hummings, Senior Director and Head of Medical Information and Local Adverse Event Intake Services, IQVIA
Simon Johns, Director of Medical Information and Marketed Product Safety, IQVIA
Aug 29, 2023
Just as the rest of our world changed in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, the patient, healthcare provider, and drug company approach to medical information (MI) and pharmacovigilance (PV) at the local level is undergoing a major shift. For global pharmaceutical conglomerates, the prospect of navigating country safety activities and building a streamlined global system might seem overwhelmingly difficult without access to the needed resources. However, acquainting yourself with the current climate of PV and MI and the offerings of experienced local 

service providers might be the solution needed to alleviate this challenge. Currently, drug companies are facing major pressure to adapt to the following shifts and trends across the industry:

  • A reduction in resources and budgetary support, despite increasing volume of country safety activities.
  • Perpetually changing health authority requirements.
  • New healthcare provider and patient behaviors, including higher inquiry rates through MI contact centers.

The Impact of Empowering Local PV and MI Systems and Processes

All drug companies are navigating different scenarios depending on their volume of product lifecycles and locations. Opting to invest in your PV and MI resources can yield major improvements for customer satisfaction and safety reporting mechanisms. Many companies have found success by outsourcing their PV and MI activities to an experienced organization that can provide creative, proven solutions. Investing in an outsourcing partnership designed to suit your needs can yield the following benefits:

  • Reduced costs via more efficient procedures and optimized vendor support.
  • Improved oversight and monitoring of local activity to drive global compliance.
  • Increased scalability and flexibility to handle growing activity volume.
  • A streamlined ecosystem that drives efficiency and consistency between PV, MI, and other stakeholders.

Many of these benefits are a result of the wide spectrum of solutions offered by an experienced partner, including access to qualified persons for pharmacovigilance (QPPVs), a regulatory intelligence database (RID) with up-to-date PV legislation insight, human/artificial intelligence (AI) chat models to field MI requests, data insight enhancement, and more.

Where Can I Learn More?

In a recent webinar hosted by IQVIA’s Local Affiliate Product Services (LAPS) team, Alisa Hummings, Senior Director and Head of Medical Information and Local AE Intake Services, and Simon Johns, Director, Medical Information and Marketed Product Safety, detail current trends across country activities and regulations as well as the benefits of utilizing technology to enhance your MI customer support model. To explore how to build out your PV and MI offerings, watch the complete webinar, or to read a full summary, download the comprehensive whitepaper.

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