InForm EDC Technical Support

To contact the InForm Electronic Data Capture (EDC) IQVIA Contact Centre team, please dial the toll-free phone number listed against your country.

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ePRO and EPX Technical Support

To contact the ePRO and EPX IQVIA Contact Centre support team, please dial the toll-free phone number listed against your country.


IQVIA Outcome EDC Technical Support

To contact the IQVIA Infosario Outcome Electronic Data Capture (EDC) Platform support team, please dial the toll-free phone number listed against your country.

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INES User Admin and Technical Support

To contact the INES IQVIA Contact Center team, please dial the toll-free phone number listed against your country.

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IQVIA Biotech

To contact the Biotech IQVIA Contact Centre team, please dial the toll-free phone number listed against your country.

Australia – 1800316703
New Zealand – 0508233435
US - 1-866-342-0693