Developing IQVIA’s positions on key trends in the pharma and life sciences industries, with a focus on EMEA.
Learn moreDeveloping IQVIA’s positions on key trends in the pharma and life sciences industries, with a focus on EMEA.
Learn moreDeveloping IQVIA’s positions on key trends in the pharma and life sciences industries, with a focus on EMEA.
Learn moreDeveloping IQVIA’s positions on key trends in the pharma and life sciences industries, with a focus on EMEA.
Learn more"We strive to help improve outcomes and create a healthier, more sustainable world for people everywhere.
LEARN MOREReimagine clinical development by intelligently connecting data, technology, and analytics to optimize your trials. The result? Faster decision making and reduced risk so you can deliver life-changing therapies faster.
Research & Development OverviewGenerate and disseminate evidence that answers crucial clinical, regulatory and commercial questions, enabling you to drive smarter decisions and meet your stakeholder needs with confidence.
REAL WORLD EVIDENCE OVERVIEWElevate commercial models with precision and speed using AI-driven analytics and technology that illuminate hidden insights in data.
COMMERCIALIZATION OVERVIEWOrchestrate your success across the complete compliance lifecycle with best-in-class services and solutions for safety, regulatory, quality and medical information.
COMPLIANCE OVERVIEWWhen your destination is a healthier world, making intelligent connections between data, technology, and services is your roadmap.
TECHNOLOGIES OVERVIEWExplore our library of insights, thought leadership, and the latest topics & trends in healthcare.
DISCOVER INSIGHTSAn in-depth exploration of the global healthcare ecosystem with timely research, insightful analysis, and scientific expertise.
SEE LATEST REPORTSBy making intelligent connections between your needs, our capabilities, and the healthcare ecosystem, we can help you be more agile, accelerate results, and improve patient outcomes.
LEARN MOREArtificial intelligence is accelerating opportunities. Realizing the benefits for healthcare requires the right expertise. Together, we can solve the problems of today, and drive the breakthroughs of tomorrow.
LEARN MOREThe IQVIA Human Data Science Cloud is our unique capability designed to enable healthcare-grade analytics, tools, and data management solutions to deliver fit-for-purpose global data at scale.
LEARN MOREThe IQVIA Innovation Hub connects start-ups with the extensive IQVIA network of assets, resources, clients, and partners. Together, we can help lead the future of healthcare with the extensive IQVIA network of assets, resources, clients, and partners.
LEARN MOREIQVIA Decentralized Trials deliver purpose-built clinical services and technologies that engage the right patients wherever they are. Our hybrid and fully virtual solutions have been used more than any others.
LEARN MOREIQVIA enables genomic research via global access to a network of genomic-clinical data, proprietary technologies that enable federated analytics, and therapeutic area & bioinformatics expertise to help you answer your most pressing research questions.
LEARN MOREOur mission is to accelerate innovation for a healthier world. Together, we can solve customer challenges and improve patient lives.
LEARN MORECareers, culture and everything in between. Find out what’s going on right here, right now.
LEARN MORE"Improving human health requires brave thinkers who are willing to explore new ideas and build on successes. Unleash your potential with us.
SEARCH JOBSIQVIA CRA School to program dla osób pragnących rozpocząć karierę w badaniach klinicznych. Kurs pozwala zapoznać się z obszarem i uzyskać wiedzę przydatną w pracy w rolach Monitora, Koordynatora, czy Administratora Badań Klinicznych.
Zajęcia dydaktyczne odbywają się w soboty oraz niedziele na Uniwersytecie SWPS w Warszawie przy ul. Chodakowskiej 19/31, część zajęć realizowana jest w formie online.
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Najwyższą jakość IQVIA CRA School zapewnia profesjonalna kadra, którą stanowią menadżerowie, dyrektorzy, trenerzy oraz inni pracownicy firmy IQVIA, posiadający wieloletnie doświadczenie zawodowe w pracy w strukturach globalnych oraz międzynarodowych projektach klinicznych.
Kandydaci ubiegający się o przyjęcie do IQVIA CRA School powinni posiadać wykształcenie wyższe, preferowane w dziedzinie nauk medycznych lub pokrewnych. Wskazana jest dobra znajomość języka angielskiego. Aby wziąć udział w procesie rekrutacji należy wysłać CV poprzez link, który zostanie zamieszczony po rozpoczęciu procesu rekrutacyjnego.
Warunkiem uczestnictwa w IQVIA CRA School jest uiszczenie przez Uczestnika opłaty w jednej lub w dwóch równych ratach.
Pomyślne ukończenie IQVIA CRA School potwierdzone zostanie Certyfikatem Uczestnictwa.
IQVIA CRA School potwierdzi uruchomienie kursu po zgromadzeniu minimalnej liczby uczestników - 20 osób.