OneKey Reference Data Set

OneKey Reference Assets

Innovative provider reference solutions to revolutionize your business. 
Businessmen reviewing tablet

Top 25 Integrated Delivery Networks

The ranking of the Top 25 IDNs changes continuously as systems expand their networks and range through provider employment, affiliations and new management contracts.
Female pediatrician

Top 50 Hospitals: Market Insights Report

IQVIA’s top 50 U.S. hospitals data report provides critical insights about the hospital marketplace, including hospital ownership, size, and facility type. 
Affiliations link HCPs and HCOs together
Seeking both the professional specialty and actual professionals to support your commercial teams’ activities plays a significant role in the success of the product and patient. OneKey provides nine unique affiliation types and each affiliation dataset differs based on the organization’s class of trade (COT) and the professionals’ relationship to the COT. HCOs and HCPs can be linked together and, with additional IQVIA data, you can reveal rich and actionable insights that can range from best address and consented email address to treatment types and sample eligibility.
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